Ways to Donate

You have options to help RAGOM support dogs in need!

Pledge an individual walker

Donate by pledging an individual walker. Simply search for the participant you wish to support, select their name, and then select the large “Donate” button on their page.


Make a general donation

If you don’t know an individual who is participating in the Walk for Rescue, you can also support rescue by making a general Goldzilla donation.


Donate offline

Prefer to donate offline? Write your check to “RAGOM” and in the memo line write the name of the person you’re pledging (or simply write “Goldzilla donation”). For mailed pledges to be reflected on a walker’s fundraising page, checks must be received by Thursday, September 12, 2024. Mail checks to:

Suite 120
5800 Baker Road
Minnetonka, MN 55345

Need more info?

Email [email protected].

Goldzilla Fun Fair & Walk for Rescue